Friday 3 March 2017

How can I lead change if never asked

The other day I shared a story in my newsletter, The Marketing - Analytics Intersect, that answers this question I was asked by a young lady at the end of a keynote I delivered:

How can I lead the change you inspire us to, when I rarely get asked to lead by my boss?

I'm sure this situation is not alien to you. We give ourselves many explanations for what the cause is. Job boundaries as one see's them, company culture, the country's norms, one's comfort zone, perceived personal limits, unspoken rules, etc.

Today, work is different than it used to be and the contribution we make, the posture we bring with us, the boss-employee dynamic, and the skills that are valued are markedly different. We have to adapt.

To frame that, drawing from my experience as an individual contributor and a leader of teams, here's the reply I sent to the young lady...
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If you want to be invited to do x, lead y, contribute to z, be put up on a pedestal... raise your hand.

Raise your hand by actually raising your hand.
Raise your hand by sharing feedback.
Raise your hand by standing up.
Raise your hand by contributing to something.
Raise your hand by solving a problem (no matter how small).
Raise your hand by talking to an influencer.
Raise your hand by setting up a skip level.
Raise your hand by leaning-in.
Raise your hand by interviewing.
Raise your hand by experimenting.
Raise your hand by recognizing someone.
Raise your hand by amping up your passion.
Raise your hand by smiling more / politely complaining more / humbly challenging more.
Raise your hand.

And, someone will see it.

Don't wait on the sidelines. Don't wait to be called on. Don't wait for permission. Don't complain no one cares about you.
Just raise your hand.

In any team of any size... You'll find other hands rise to join yours, other hands gratefully accept your help/wisdom/support, other hands that celebrate you.

Just, raise your hand.

Your company needs you. You need you.

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